S.C.A.O. is very proud to report of another successful project established and completed. Firstly proposed in August 2012 and fulfilled in February 2013, several workshops on human and sex trafficking have taken place at the SCAO II School in the Som Roung community.
In cooperation with the Somaly Mam Foundation, which did presentations for all different kinds of groups and assemblies, a total of eight workshops covered all students- a number of approximately 230. The exception was an ABC Beginner class which age reaches from 6 till 10 years; they are still too young to understand. Every other class visited a workshop for three hours on a Thursday in January or February. Each workshop was suited to the age of the class, so that the kids were able to understand the topic and message lead by Somaly Mam. While kids under 15 years had a listening comprehension and more oral explanations supported by drawings on the board, older students under 18 had board subscriptions and explanations together with a power point presentation by a beamer. This all took place in the second classroom of SCAO II School in Som Roung. The team was put together by three members of Somaly Mam Foundation, having a victim of human trafficking involved who also talked to the classes about her experience and current life. In groups, the pupils had to figure out how to prevent becoming a victim themselves.
The presentations worked out really well with a big number of students attending the workshop and showing a lot of interest and encouragement during the teaching. After this successful run, S.C.A.O. Somaly Mam and the chief of the district agreed on a presentation about domestic violence for the community of the village. On February 28th till 30th adults of the Som Roung community visited the event. Another community event by Somaly Mam also talking about Human Trafficking is planned for after Khmer New Year.
In June, S.C.A.O. is looking forward to welcoming the Somaly Mam Foundation again to educate students at SCAO I School about human and sex trafficking.