Human Trafficking Awareness

On the 24th of January 2013 SCAO collaborated with The Somaly Mam Foundation
to present workshops on awareness of human trafficking to the children in SCAO II. It is these
children who are the most vulnerable to human trafficking because of their location and age. It is
therefore very important to educate them of the dangers that they may face, and how to respond
appropriately. The workshops took place every Thursday between 2-5pm for 4 weeks until all the children
had attended the workshop.

Students were divided into three age categories:

  • Under 15 years old
  • 15 – 18 years old
  • Over 18 years old

To cover all students, four workshops in total were held with an attendance of between 30 and 60
pupils participating in each workshop.


The fundamental points of the workshops were:

  • Introduction of Somaly Mam Foundation
  • Issues and Problems of human trafficking
  • Identification of Criminals
  • Human Rights
  • A report by a victim of human trafficking

The training took place at the New School and was great success for S.C.A.O. as well as Somaly Mam
foundation being able to connect with a community from the country side, where trafficking is still
an on-going issue.

In addition, a 5th workshop was held for the adult residents of Som Roung about domestic violence
awareness on February 28th 2013. After this, both Organizations would like to continue their work
with all students attending the Old School of S.C.A.O. and community development work.

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