The SCAO1 school arranged on Thursday 24th December a Christmas party for the students. The teachers had built a Christmas tree with hundreds of empty red painted water bottles, the tables were moved out the biggest classroom to have space to play the games and there were speakers for the music. At three o´clock the party began for the young students. In the first game the children had to find hidden Christmas cards in the whole school. The group with the most cards won the game and got a prize. The next game was called “balloon on the back”. The children played in pairs and every pair had a balloon between theirs backs. Then they had to run faster than the other pairs to win this game. “Dancing angels” was the next game and their favorite one. They danced to music and whenever the music stopped they had to stop dancing, too. After these games the children got something to eat and made a break. The young students danced again and the old students came. In the next game every time a student knew the song he went to the microphone and sang along.
In the evening they did a secret Santa with little gifts. They sat in a circle and rolled a dice to move the presents. After a few minutes they could open the presents.
The day ended with a disco and dancing games. At eight o´clock the Christmas party was over and the last students helped the teachers to clean up in a few minutes.
More pictures here: