After successfully giving training and presentations concerning the topics of human trafficking in the SCAO II School in March and April, we would like to thank the Somaly Mam Foundation for being able to give these presentations and training in the SCAO I School as well. Over the last two weeks the Foundation has been giving various training at the Old School, specializing in different age groups.
While the lower aged students usually learn about the serious topic of human and sex trafficking in a way which is suitable for their age, the older students were able to listen to “survivor stories” by girls who were trafficked but are now working together with Somaly Mam to educate and raise awareness on the big topic of human and sex trafficking in Cambodia.
The next presentation and workshop will be held on Thursday the 8th of August in the SCAO I School. This will also be the last presentation. The topic and presentations of Somaly Mam have been taken with a great interest of all of our students. Many of them asked if they can visit a workshop twice and would like to know even more about these topics. We are looking forward to working together with Somaly Mam in the future and hope to extend our educational program in the field of human trafficking even more in the future.