SCAO3 is opened!!

The big day finally arrived and SCAO 3 has offically been opened. (Pictures)

It was two years in the making, but through the hard work, of Mr Sameth, Andre Struve, Peter Downey, Krystof Chair and all the volunteers the school has now been opened.

Fundraising took place all over the world to build this school. We would like to thank Kinderhilfe in Kambodscha Gecko Foundation The SCOOP Foundation The SCOOP Foundation Australia Inc Pacha Youth and Estrellas de Camboya Rotary Club of Phnom Penh and many many more for all your hard work and time.

A Video from TV3 News, a Khmer television program shared a video of our SCAO3 opening ceremony! As well as posted an article! (Both in Khmer)

Finally we can start to teach the kids from the village as well. Say hello! (Video)