
Here at SCAO we aim to conduct the surveys in as many households as possible in order to gain a better understanding of the workings of the village. With this data and information collected we will be able to get a better understanding of the village’s needs. We can then aim our projects towards these requirements, and improve the current conditions of the village.

The survey consists of 35 various questions ranging from; members of the household, monthly income, household occupation, healthcare information, children attending school, costs of education and healthcare treatment and more. We hope to have the survey completed by the end of April and then assess the data.

In December 2012 the plan of undertaking a household survey of the village of Som Roung began.To begin with there was no information regarding the households and families of the village. There are no exact figures known about Som Roung relating to population, income average, and household occupations. Som Roung is home to a population of over 500 and over 150 families.

Download Survey Report of Som Roung Village (School II)
Download Survey Report of Prey Ponror Village (School III, E.C.C.)

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