The village of Prey Ponror located 25 kilometres northwest of Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. There are 16 villages in close proximity to Prey Ponror Village, and all of these are within cycling distance to the location of the new SCAO Education and Community Centre (SCAO III).
The majority of the households in Prey Ponror village rely on water wells for their drinking water. With this well water they have to boil it, and let it cool before it is safe to drink. This is costly for the families because they need to constantly be buying firewood for fuel. Also, some people do not wait for the water to boil and cool; instead they drink it straight away. This leads to health problems for the villagers which prevents them from working or attending school.
SCAO III is currently in the planning phase of development. Construction plans are being put together and ideas are being morphed together. It is important for SCAO to develop a relationship with Prey Ponror village before SCAO III opens. With SCAO having an established name within the villages and among the villagers, it is very good promotion for the SCAO Education and Community Centre once it opens its doors to the surrounding community. Parents and students will be aware of what SCAO offers to the community.
On the 1st February 2015, international volunteers and local Khmer staff organized a gathering of just under 100 families in Prey Ponror Village. Here the villagers were given a demonstration of the ceramic water filter by Vibol. He explained how they worked, how to clean them, and most importantly, the benefits that the water filters have on a family’s health. Following this demonstration of the water filters, the volunteers and Khmer staff divided up into teams. Each team carried out household surveys on the villagers gathered. This information will provide SCAO with more information on the issues that may exist in Prey Ponror Village. This will aid SCAO in taking action through various projects in the future to combat these issues.
This water filter project was funded through a group of Polish friends (Czysta Woda / Clean water for Cambodia) who are living in Phnom Penh. Together through communication with Peter Downey, Development Officer, the project was planned. Czysta Woda funded the project through an online crowdfunding platform, which was a great success. Please check out their Facebook page for more information and videos.
On the 15th March 2015 the distribution of the water filters will take place in the village. The villagers will be given one further training session on the use and maintenance of the water filter. Then they are free to take the water filter home and then have constant access to clean safe drinking water.