New Education and Community Centre

in Prey Ponror

The “Save poor Children in Asia Organization” (Cambodia) plans the new construction of an Education and Community Centre in Prey Ponror, a village located 25km north west of the capital Phnom Penh. During this project, S.C.A.O. will be supported by its partner organisations “Kinderhilfe in Kambodscha e.V.” (Germany), “GECKO Kinderhilfe Südostasien e.V.” (Germany), “Estrellas de camboya” (Spain), “SCOOP Foundation” (Ireland) und “Pacha Youth Foundation” (USA). The hinterland of Prey Ponror consists of 16 smaller villages, which are all accessible by bike. The public education system runs 2 primary schools and 1 High school and is therefore accessible for 1,000 students per day.

The aim of S.C.A.O. is to improve the level of education which the public education system is able to provide. Our main focus lies on free English and computer course. We expect up to 400 students to attend classes every day. In addition, there are plans to improve water supply by organizing wells and water filters, organise healthcare courses, building toilets and so on. All these measures are going to be coordinated with the officials, of course.

S.C.A.O. is quite experienced in realising such projects (see reference project) and is currently running 2 schools with 600 students per day. The planning for this project started in November 2013, start of construction is planned for November 2014 and start of teaching is planned for November 2015. For more details concerning this project (including budget plan), donation categories, involved organisations and their agents please have a look at the referring sites.

As we are aware of the donors need for the appropriate application of their funds, transparency is at high priority for us. Therefore, if you wish to have additional information you are not able to get within this website, please do not hesitate to contact us! There will be an additional newsletter going out in the coming weeks, with specific focus on the new education and community centre in Prey Ponror.