Hey everyone, I am Lotte from Freiburg, Germany. I am 19 years old and I arrived at SCAO in the beginning of January. Last year in June, I finished German High School and I always knew that I wanted to spend some time abroad, both volunteering and travelling. I´ve already worked with children before and I always liked it, so it was clear to me that I wanted to do some volunteer work with kids, too. Since it`s so hard to decide where to go with thousands of different organzations worldwide, I was happy to hear about SCAO from my grandparents who know Andre and also a girl who`s been here some years ago and really liked it. I liked the vision of Mr. Sameth and SCAO and the job you´re doing here – teaching English. So I decided to go to Cambodia. Two weeks ago, my time at SCAO ended. I spent more than three month there and it definitely became a home to me, so it was incredibly hard to say goodbye. I taught two ABC Beginner classes and one Pre-Intermediate class. As different as they are, I love them all. It was nice to see how my students improved over the months and how we became a community. It took me some time to grow into the teacher’s role, but now I am really gonna miss teaching and spending time with the kids. It was just a great experience being at SCAO. I learned so much and had so much fun. Playing with the kids, living together with the other volunteers, having funny trips and evenings at the weekends… I was so lucky to get to know all those amazing people, thank you all for everything. It was such a special time with all of you, that I am not gonna forget. I still have to realize that my time is over. I’ll miss SCAO a lot!