Lea, Germany

A volunteer review from Lea (18), who stayed with us for six months

When I made my decision to visit Cambodia and to work there as a volunteer I didn’t really know a lot about the country. Before I decided to which country I wanted to go I had the idea of being a volunteer for a few months in another country after my final exams at High School. Of course there
are many different places where I could go to but finally I heard something about Cambodia from family of Andre and I knew I would go there.

When I left Germany I was still very young and inexperienced with travelling alone, but it was the perfect time to do something like this and I was really excited. I knew that I would work for S.C.A.O, some things about the Cambodian history and that someone would pick me up at the airport. And
suddenly I was in Cambodia in a village called Som Roung, living in a school occupied by a small family with two class rooms and a few basic rooms for volunteers. I felt comfortable right from the beginning. For me it was really important to have the same classes for my whole stay. It was great
how my students developed and how they grew up. Watching them studying and having fun by playing games at school made me proud and really sad in the end, but it was good to know that other volunteers would take over my classes.

We didn’t have class the whole day so there was also time to do something else. Sitting on the rooftop watching the sunset, walking a little bit through the village, playing with children outside the school, trying to talk to Khmer people, buying some sweets in the small shops placed in the village and drinking coffee were other things I did. Getting to know the Cambodian culture by doing this was the best thing I could have done. Especially when I started to study Khmer it got easier and the connection to our neighbours, teacher assistants and everyone else got stronger.

Also the S.C.A.O family was amazing. The kids English is great, they are open minded and they give you the feeling that you have found a new family. All together we celebrated 5 years of S.C.A.O before I had to leave. Everyone was happy and the party was successful. I felt even sadder that I had to leave soon, but I decided to come back soon and so I will do.

Thanks to S.C.A.O, the S.C.A.O family, my students and the volunteers! I hope to see you soon! Lea Alice