Green Day

13575680_1356458521065312_68895283_oOn the 24 th July 2016, SCAO1 held a Green Day as part of a creative Friday. That meant that every class from 9am until 6:30pm joined in by helping to pick up the rubbish inside and outside the school for one hour. With the younger ABC classes we decided to let them collect rubbish for 30minutes and also colour pictures for the Green Day for 30minutes. The aim of the Green Day was to show the students how important it is to use the rubbish bins and not to litter, that they must help to keep the environment clean. At the end of the day we collected over 40 bags of rubbish. It was great to see all of the students working
together and having fun while helping to clean up the area. (Some students got so passionate they decided to walk through puddles to help us clean up.)

Thank you to all the students and teachers at SCAO1 for making the Green Day such a success!

For more pictures, click here!
